The Tallahassee Ballet professional ballet company needs and values your support. The costs associated with performances are significantly higher than the revenue from ticket sales. Advertising in performance Playbills is a great way to support while promoting visibility for your business.
Reasons to Advertise in TTB Playbills
Your business will receive considerable exposure in Tallahassee and beyond.
Your advertising dollars help to support the arts and contribute to a healthy and vibrant cultural community.
Playbills are an excellent source of direct marketing, distributed to more than 12,000 area residents and visitors at six live performances throughout the year.
Most audience members arrive early to performances for the specific purpose of reading the Playbill cover to cover.
One low price gets you an ad in each full-length ballet Playbill.
Very affordable rates with a flexible payment structure.
TTB will design your ad upon special request. Contact us for details.

Submissions: Ads must be submitted digitally to ads@TallahasseeBallet.org, in one of the following formats: jpeg, high-resolution pdf, or vector eps (300 dpi or more)
Questions: Lauren Hernandez,
Chief Executive Officer
Text or Call: (850) 556-6618,
email: lauren@TallahasseeBallet.org